Cape Fear Botanical Garden


Preschool: Dino Dig

Preschoolers and their families will enjoy a dinosaur themed story time, make a dinosaur craft, and dig up some “fossils.” Ages 2-5 with a parent or guardian. Please meet in the Children’s Garden Pavilion. (If the weather is very cold or rainy we may meet in the classroom - check in at the gift shop.) […]

Afterschool: Wolves and Coyotes

North Carolina’s red wolves are considered one of the most endangered animals in the world! Come learn about wolves and coyotes in this one hour afterschool class. We’ll hear a […]

CANCELLED – Native Plant Terrarium Class

This class has been cancelled. Izzy Hall of Garden and Gather will lead us on a journey, exploring native plants and creating a terrarium to add to your plant collection. […]

Kid’s Night Out at the Garden: Glow in the Dark

Kids have a fun night out, while parents get the night off. This month’s theme is glow in the dark. We’ll make glow-in-the-dark perler bead art, learn how animals can glow in the dark, mix up some glow-in-the-dark slime, and, as always, end the night with a campfire and s’mores. Ages 8-12. This is a […]

DIY Bath Teas Workshop

Learn how to craft your own calming and tranquil bath tea! In this workshop you will learn various ways of combating dry skin in the winter. Mix your own Bath tea with examples of recipes and combinations, tie it to your bathtub and indulge! You will have instruction on creating your very own combination, adding […]

Afterschool: Wacky Weather

Lightening, storms, and tornados can be terrifying, but they’re also amazing natural occurrences. In this class we’ll learn how weather forms, conduct three short weather experiments, and make a wind […]

DIY Bath Tea Workshop

Learn how to craft your own calming and tranquil bath tea! In this workshop you will learn various ways of combating dry skin in the winter. Mix your own Bath […]

Homeschool: Fossils Tell Stories (FULL)

(FULL) Learn how fossils form, consider the fascinating stories they tell about our past, and make your own fossil to take home. Ages 6+ This is a drop-off class. Please […]


Preschool: Scribble Stones

Preschoolers and their families will have a chance to look at rocks and minerals from around the world, hear a rock themed story time, and create a “scribble stone” to […]

Afterschool: Fascinating Feathers

Did you know most birds have over a 1000 feathers? In this class, we’ll learn how feathers formed and how they help birds fly. Plus, we’ll conduct an experiment to […]


Garden in a Jar Workshop

Cape Fear Botanical Garden 536 N. Eastern Boulevard, Fayetteville, NC, United States

Join us for a relaxing morning workshop, while the spring flowers are still sleeping in the ground, create your own miniature garden and be reminded of the sunshine. This fun activity is appropriate for adults of all skill levels (none needed!)  Learn how to create a mini ecosystem. Learn the difference between an open and […]

Homeschool: How do Birds Find their Way? (FULL)

(FULL) Learn how birds migrate thousands of miles without the benefit of maps, compasses, or GPS. We’ll play a migration game modeling the birds’ journey. Ages 6+ This is a […]