Cape Fear Botanical Garden

Kids’ Night Out at the Garden: Spooky, Science Fun

Cape Fear Botanical Garden 536 N. Eastern Boulevard, Fayetteville, NC, United States

This class is FULL! Please consider joining us for the November Kid's Night Out.  Description: Parents have a night off, while kids enjoy an evening of Garden activities and night time […]

Library Program: Brilliant Bats

Bordeaux Library 3711 Village Dr #1530, Fayetteville

Library Program: Brilliant Bats Join Cape Fear Botanical Garden Environmental Educators as we uncover the mysteries of bats with an engaging all ages family program held at Bordeaux Community Library. Discover how […]

POSTPONED: Understanding Insects with NCSU Entomology

Cape Fear Botanical Garden 536 N. Eastern Boulevard, Fayetteville, NC, United States

This event has been canceled, but it will be rescheduled for a later date. Please keep an eye out for updates, and we look forward to seeing you at future events! Presentation: Understanding Insects with NCSU Entomology Description: Discover the amazing world of insects and the many incredible ways they support life on Earth. Presented […]

Drop-In River Trail Tour

Cape Fear Botanical Garden 536 N. Eastern Boulevard, Fayetteville, NC, United States

Garden Tours: Enjoy a guided tour of the Garden lead by an experienced docent volunteer or staff member. Simply drop in and sign-up that day. The tour takes about an […]


Tai Chi in the Garden

A chinese martial art and system of calisthenics with very slow controlled movements taught by Rich Martin. Tai Chi is held every Tuesday from 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. indoors […]


Tai Chi in the Garden

A chinese martial art and system of calisthenics with very slow controlled movements taught by Rich Martin. Tai Chi is held every Tuesday from 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. indoors […]