Cape Fear Botanical Garden


Garden in a Jar Workshop

Cape Fear Botanical Garden 536 N. Eastern Boulevard, Fayetteville, NC, United States

Join us for a relaxing morning workshop, while the spring flowers are still sleeping in the ground, create your own miniature garden and be reminded of the sunshine. This fun […]

Homeschool: How do Birds Find their Way? (FULL)

(FULL) Learn how birds migrate thousands of miles without the benefit of maps, compasses, or GPS. We’ll play a migration game modeling the birds’ journey. Ages 6+ This is a […]

Afterschool: Insects in Winter

Where do all the bees, butterflies, and beetles go in winter? Come find out in this one hour class where we’ll read a story and build an insect craft. This […]

Garden in a Jar Workshop

Cape Fear Botanical Garden 536 N. Eastern Boulevard, Fayetteville, NC, United States

Join us for a relaxing morning workshop, while the spring flowers are still sleeping in the ground, create your own miniature garden and be reminded of the sunshine. This fun […]

Homeschool: Magnificent Mammals (FULL)

(FULL) In this one hour class, homeschoolers will learn what makes mammals unique and look for tracks and other signs left by mammals in the Garden. Ages 6+ This is […]


Tai Chi in the Garden

A chinese martial art and system of calisthenics with very slow controlled movements taught by Rich Martin. Tai Chi is held every Tuesday from 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. indoors […]


Preschool: Happy Hikers

Enjoy a hiking themed story time, make craft binoculars to take home, and go on a short guided hike in the Garden.  Ages 2-5 with a parent or guardian. Please […]

Afterschool: Frog Calls

Spring Peeper frogs are one of the first signs of spring and they may be calling already! Learn some common frog calls and play a frog themed game in this […]