Feed Your Mind: A Lunchtime Learning Opportunity featuring a variety of health and wellness topics
Bring your lunch and join us at the Garden for a lunchtime learning opportunity! Feed Your Mind is a chance to get out of the office (or house) and experience presentations by local experts in a variety of health and wellness modalities.
Ayurveda, translating to “The Science of Life, ” has its origins in India over 5,000 years ago and stands as an ancient system of preventative health and holistic medicine, often referred to as the “Mother of All Healing.” Many natural healing systems in the West, including Homeopathy and Polarity Therapy, trace their principles back to Ayurveda. Join Kelli Edwards (Ayurveda Health Coach, Holistic Practitioner, RYT 500, Kundalini Yoga) on Thursday, January 25 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Check out more of Kelli’s work at https://www.sakaraholistic.com/
Explore the depths of Ayurveda and discover how to seamlessly integrate its principles into your personal wellness plan.
Time: 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Location: Grand Hall
Cost: Each class is $10 for Members and $15 for Non-Members
Please preregister at https://form.jotform.com/233385219659063