Therapeutic Horticulture Gardening Blog
What’s Growin’ in the Greenhouse?
Mallory McAden is CFBG’s new Therapeutic Horticulture Program Manager and has been hard at work preparing fall vegetables in the CFBG greenhouse. The greenhouse is located near the Hazel McCauley Heritage Garden. Mallory educated us on what’s new and growing such as bok choy (pak choi), collards, mother of thousands, Cuban oregano and coleus plants as we prepare for the crisp autumn season!
Mother of Thousands (Kalanchoe daigremontiana)
Visitors will start seeing various Mother of Thousands (Kalanchoe daigremontiana), which feature baby plantlets continually appearing on the tips of the large leaves. The plantlets are complete miniature plants that become disconnected from the mother plant’s circulatory system and drop off, allowing them to spread to become their own plant as the cycle continues!
Looking to volunteer?
Are you interested in helping Mallory and a team of volunteers to help grow some fall vegetables from seed in the greenhouse? Are you looking for a safe and enjoyable volunteer opportunity within nature? CFBG would love your help!
For more information contact Mallory McAden at (910)486-0221 x 42 or email her at Click here to fill out a volunteer application.

Gardening is Therapy in Nature
Ever wonder if being out in nature is actually good for you?
With all the daily worries, it takes effort to stop and smell the flowers. But, did you know that there’s more to being outside than just getting some fresh air? Having a place to walk and run, seeing shades of color, smelling fragrances, hearing birds chirp, touching textured plants, or even sitting peacefully as you watch life wander by…allows you to reengage with your well-being.

Our need to adapt to different times can cause stress and anxiety. Information overload and coping with new routines can make us lose focus and tire easily. It’s even hard to relax!
But there are ways to recover from that exhaustion and it doesn’t require any more work than you’re willing to give it. Try spending some time in your garden or yard (or even on your balcony). Plant a simple container of veggies, pick flowers for the table or herbs for a meal, create a painted rock to add to a pot or a mobile to hang in the tree. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, it’s all about how it makes you feel. If you like that dandelion, then put it in a vase on the table and enjoy its cheery yellow face! Gardening is all about making yourself feel better. It’s free therapy!
Join us next time as we talk about getting our garden growing. It doesn’t matter how small it is, you can make it grow and it will make you feel better!