Feed Your Mind: A Lunchtime Learning Opportunity featuring a variety of health and wellness topics
Bring your lunch and join us at the Garden for a lunchtime learning opportunity! Feed Your Mind is a chance to get out of the office (or house) and experience presentations by local experts in a variety of health and wellness modalities.
February 1: Camellias with Jack Dewar
Camellias thrive outdoors in various regions of the United States, flourishing from Long Island, NY and stretching southward along the Atlantic Coast, the Gulf Coast, and the Pacific Coast from California to Washington. Even in the interior sections of the country, these elegant blooms find success. Our Garden is truly privileged to boast the exquisite Mary McLaurin Camellia Garden. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of camellias as Jack Dewar, President of the Fayetteville Camellia club, takes center stage. Join him on Thursday, February 1 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM for an enlightening discussion on all things camellia, followed by a grand tour of the breathtaking Mary McLaurin Camellia Garden.
Find our more about the Fayetteville Camellia Club at https://www.fayettevillecamelliaclub.org/
Time: 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Location: Grand Hall
Cost: Each class is $10 for Members and $15 for Non-Members
Please preregister at https://form.jotform.com/233385219659063