Description: Enjoy the warm and welcoming atmosphere of Cape Fear Botanical Gardens while learning all about jewel orchids and creating a one-of-a-kind terrarium in a gorgeous glass vessel! This class will teach you everything you need to know about these amazing little plants as well as how to create a miniature ecosystem to best suit their needs! Each ticket will cover one terrarium, including all supplies and materials. A selection of pre-made terrariums will also be available for purchase after the class. This class will be taught by Izzy Hall of Garden & Gather, who will be happy to answer all of your burning questions about terrariums, moss, and more!
Audience Target: Adults interested in jewel orchids and terrarium building
Format: Lecture with Q&A, then terrarium building
Key Topics Covered:
Presenter: Izzy Hall created Garden and Gather to share her enthusiasm and knowledge of plants, gardening, and nature with the public with an emphasis on how cultivating and enjoying plants should be accessible for everyone, not just a luxury for a few. Garden and Gather is a retail operation as well as a community outreach and a source of education through classes and workshops in schools, businesses, and other organizations. Izzy has an extensive background in botany and entomology as well as environmental sciences and conservation.
Materials Provided: Glass terrarium, soil, jewel orchid, terrarium decor
Cost: $55 ($45 for Garden members)
Preregistration Required – Register Here: